Friday, August 28, 2015


Update's not coming out on the August 31st. Ecstasy's not happy with what's there right now, and he wants to add more H-scenes either way. He's not entirely sure if he wants to use this for the demo or not. It won't affect the release of the full part, just the demo. Full part isn't that far off. Sorry for disappointment. Pleasu Understandu.


  1. I don't mind waiting. Take your time, dudes. Be kinda fucked up to complain about free entertainment taking too long

  2. There there... *pats on head* It's always worth the wait (unlike a certain "Gay-ben" who runs a certain "Valve" of course... XD lol ), especially if it means that there'll be some Granberia love on the way once Luka confirms whether or not he still retains the Dragon Seal mark from before or not. <3 So take all the time you need, and besides... I'm going to have MGSV: TPP soon to keep me more than enough company on the 31st so this isn't an inconvenience whatsoever while i'm having fun with TPP. :3

  3. Ну, бывает, что поделать.

  4. ....why did they have to use these pictures....I cant stay mad and look at these at the same time.....good luck....

    Just joking but I had to use that at least one time in my life, take your time, I don't mind to wait a bit more...

  6. We all agree on that waiting will not be problem. Everything what Ecstasy threw on us so far were A-Bombs filled with fun. This is probably best conversion I ever saw and I am sure that I am not alone.
    P.S. Admit it, mentioning of new H-scenes cought you all. Story is great, but that's not only reason why we are playing this, is it ? ;)

    1. most certainly not the only reason. H-scenes, H-scenes *dances and skips around like a little child*

      yea but Honestly speaking, if there was no H, I would still play it, the story is great.

    2. Exactly my words, Shawn. Great story.

  7. I'm sorry, I stopped paying attention when you mentioned new H-scenes. Take all the time you want.

  8. take your time don't rush the Update

  9. Good, that's one less thing I have to do before MGS 5

    1. Cheers pal! If you have it for the 360 then feel free to add me so that you have an ally who can give adequate assistance for when an invader is spotted at one of your FOBs. :P Going to get TPP today right around 9:00 PM, which will be in only around 2 hours, so pumped for both it and the new MGQNG+ update, the latter of which I have no issues whatsoever in waiting for. ^^

  10. You people are doing this for free, so no one has any right to be mad at you and you don't have to be so sorry. Delays happen all the time, especially with home projects like yours. Take your time and simply deliver a polished product :)

  11. I have no idea how much more waiting my boner can take... you had to mention new H scenes. "Down boner, down. It is not time yet!"

  12. I... have no words to express the amount of anger I am restraining within me. You SAID August 31st, now you're saying you LIED! The amount of stress my body had to withstand from reading the title caused my hair to fall out, as I began vomiting blood. Great conversion by the way! <3

  13. Hey just one question about the links: could you put a MEGA mirror? 'Cause lately mediafire hasn't worked wery well for me. Not shure if I'm the only guy with these probles but a download on mega is usualle 10 time faster than mediafire

  14. Just an example: the part2 demo patch shows up as a 6 hour download

  15. Good afternoon!

    As project manager translation MGQ! on russian language, a translation of which is fully completed and is currently editing (released part 2 of 3).
    I ask your permission to translate mode you created.
    Waiting your answer.

    Best regards, Edward

    1. Разрешение? Мы чо, копирасты шоле? Засудим за нелегальный перевод мода для японской порно-фетиш игры, которая распространяется пиратством и благодаря другому нелегальному переводу? Переводи смело, не ссы.

    2. Смешно. Юмор 9/10.

      Хотя... ThatRussian, ты проверишь хороший ли перевод? А то не хотелось-бы чтобы из этого мода вышла какая-то халтура.

    3. Неа, там дохуя проверять, мне лениво.

  16. waiting or not I appreciate the work, its worth it

  17. From now on, any future NG+ updates will be posted here.

    I made a post on it explaining why.

    1. I don't see why the updates aren't just posted here on the MGQNG+ blog site itself, but alright, thanks for the update Ecstasy. :)

    2. I explained it in a little more detail on the blog post over there.

    3. I saw it, understood and thanks again for the important update Ecstasy. :) Even if the site changed, it won't change my absolute excitement toward the next part 3 demo update, whenever it releases I don't mind whatsoever. Getting ever closer to a potential Granberia H-scene with Luka if and when Luka decides to get the Dragon Seal Trial tattoo on his hand if he didn't retain his previous adventure's mark of it already, hopefully that'll be cleared up when he makes his way to Sphinx for the Yellow Gem he needs since, I think you can agree with me and the others that it should be made clear whether or not he still retains the Dragon Seal Trial mark or not from his previous adventure. Odds are that he should still have it on his hand ("should" being the key term of course :) ) so i'll bet Sphinx will be made even more mystified, even by here mystifying standards when she sees that he already has the Dragon Seal Trial mark on his hand. ha ha ha :D

    4. I dunno orcone, it depends on how they wanna play it. Depending when Luka gets sent back to the past, they could have it so that the holy energy that degraded his body also took the seal off of his hand. When his body is restored, it's restored without the seal on it. I dunno, depends on what Ecstasy wants to do. You COULD have him still have it, or... You could have that be at the end of Granberia's route that he and she BOTH go and get it done together.

    5. Well, Granberia is already of the Dragon race, a Dragonkin to be precise. I don't see why Granberia needs the Dragon Seal Trial when it is meant for those not of Dragon blood. At any rate, it's still "up in the air" whether Luka still retains the Dragon Seal Trial mark or not, something that, as I said before, is answered when he goes to answer Sphinx's Riddles in order to prove his worth of getting the Yellow Orb and determine whether or not he still retains the Dragon Seal Trial tattoo from his previous visit before. Only time will tell it seems... ^^;

    6. I find it a little baffling that you guys think it's up in the air. Ecstasy isn't exactly fond of plot bullshitting. (Unlike TT, and which is why I like him in the first place.) Luka retained everything from the end of part 3. That doesn't include random crap like a flower or a walnut because nobody cares, but I'm pretty sure a tattoo goes along with the sword and the shirt.

    7. At least he can get dual Dragon Seal Trial Tattoos.

    8. what would be the point of having two?

    9. None I guess he can get it just for laughs, appeal or something XD

  18. Hello, just wondering you can include a "credit" with a list of names of the original soundtrack you used in the game on the next updates.
