Saturday, October 19, 2013


We are still not dead
Work is still going on, but all artists legged it, and we don't have the funds to simply buy us new ones
Have some screenshots

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Things that might or might not be in Part 2:

SP drain
Enemies having different elemental levels
Better AI
Losing rape scenes that do not cause game over
Actual party combat with ability to choose what behavior your party member has before the fight

Remember, kids: More often you dick around in IRC and comments, more likely you'll get chosen for beta test

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Beta test soon™. It's far from being finished, but lucky chosen will play the amazing fights designed by best of our mad scientists we have chained up in basement. But don't worry, next beta test will include all those sweet sweet dialogues for sure! Well, maybe. Probably.