Monday, January 20, 2014


Hey guys, bad news. Ecstasy got sick, and we MIGHT push the next part to February.
Have some screenshots
 As always, we are in need of artists, coders, writers, beta-testers, etc.
Also, a word about beta testers, since we get those a lot. Beta testing is not exclusive access to perfectly made content. It's not like Beta Minecraft, where already working game gets more content. It's hard, time consuming work finding all bugs, misspellings and errors; so please, don't apply if you are not sure you can handle it.


  1. I can definitely be up to it this weekend, if that's okay.

    1. beta-testing i mean. i have time this weekend.

  2. Yea! I'm up for the fun. Count me in!

  3. Hmmm...
    When you say writers, what exactly do you mean? What do you need written? Is it like you have the plot, but not the actual content written? If so, I'd like to try my hand at it. *I think if I'd be able to write for anyone, it'd be Granberia, but I'm not sure*.
    All of that said, I realize you likely have writers for a lot of things. I'm sure your standards are also high. If you give me something and what I write doesn't come up to snuff, don't feel bad telling me so. I won't be offended if you were to send it back. Let me know!

    1. Yes, we have the general plot, but all the character camp scenes are need to be written.
      And yes, we do have pretty high standards. Come on over to IRC, and give us an example of your writing

    2. I'm not entirely sure how to get there. I typed it into my browser, but it just searched and came up with these pages (I apologize, I only just recently joined this site and really only to follow this blog)

    3. Okay, figured out how to get in. It's around half past two in the morning here, so I can't do much at the moment. I look forward to trying out.

    4. Hello, is there another way to become writer? I am not quite sure how to use the IRC as I am not that savvy with this kind of thing.

    5. Go to, click community, Open HTML chat, go to the bottom, and click accept. Put in a nickname and type NG+ to the second box.
      That said, I'd like another way as well. I'm not entirely sure what to do once I'm there and the things I usually submit writing examples for various things to are "Send it in and we'll review"
      I've never had it done live...
      Well, if that's not possible, let me know. I can make do anyway

  4. Just as a matter of curiosity,what kind of experience are you looking for in a coder?

  5. That's absolutly ok with me... Give Ecstasy my best wishes, I hope he gets better soon.

  6. Hope Ecstasy gets better. We appreciate all the hard work and time you spend to give us such quality work. :)

  7. I myself don't mind being a beta-tester, however I find it difficult to define error and bugs in this case, I mean, how do you spot them?

    1. Game crashing, characters saying things they shouldn't say, music dropping out, unbeatable fights, misspellings, botched CG's, abilities not working or not working as intended, that kind of stuff.

    2. Ah, I see.

      Well, I have four days off in a week. I'll give it a go.

    3. I have time this weekend and can definitely point out those kind of things.

      I can't do the coding stuff, though.

  8. mhhh what kind of art do you need ? maybe i can help

    1. Anime style like original MGQ. It's a broad net, considering that MGQ has artists like UN_DO and Xelvy, but it must be generally anime-ish
      If you are interested, please go to our IRC

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. hum i am interested but i can t connect an irc due do country situations =c

  9. I can do beta, do i go back to the irc to get the file?

  10. I can do some beta testing, but I'm on a crappy laptop right now so you might get some "bug reports" that are just my laptop deciding to crap out on me.
