Thursday, December 11, 2014


Development of NG+ is back on track! No release date yet, because we are horrible people who enjoy watching you suffer and squirm in anticipation. Demo Soon™


  1. Alright! Glad to hear the good news and again, don't worry about the wait, we few can wait for as long as it takes for this glorious gem to be completed as the wait makes it all the more worthwhile in the long run, it really does... <3


    Choo choo, motherfuckers :DDDDD

  3. Hope everything went smoothly for your studies. I've had a rough time those past weeks as well.

  4. I realize that this idea may already be in development but if not then I had a neat idea, once Luka re-establishes full trust between Alipheese XV and the rest, then, at the final hour (or earlier if the moment is right ^^; ) then I had the idea of Luka wielding both of the twin blades of Angel Halo. Yes, I realize that he does still have a ways to go before he can do so but this thought just sprang up and I thought it would be very nice to see near a future part since it would be very amazing to see, it will not be easy of course, but with time this might be a clever idea, even if it just becomes a Camp scene it would still be neat to have is all, just had to get that out there. XP Would be like Leonis (from Record of Agarest War Zero) with his double swords, very nice indeed, imho anyways. :D

    1. I know that when thinking about it it sounds a bit dumb, but again though... just an idea. ^^;

    2. Its sounds a great idea for me xD

    3. Ikr? I'm glad you agree with me at least and from Leonis' display of skill with his use of Double Swords you can tell it would be equally badass with Luka doing the same. ^-^

    4. I personally would like to see Alice the 8th as a recruitable ally...

    5. I seriously don't think that would be possible, she has WAAAAAAAY too much vengeance and greed within her so she's unredeemable... ^^; Promestein and Laplace on the other hand... They REALLY do deserve redemption like Vashtor recieved in Record of Agarest War, truly... :( In my eyes Alipheese VIII is not better than Summerill, seriously... >_> *going to REALLY enjoy taking that bitch down early, or at least give her a good beating and then she runs away like a little pussy XD lol * ( ) Full of greed and evil that she is, of course, unredeemable and the puppet acting as the fake "Lord of Darkness" whereas Ilias plays the role of Chaos (rather poorly I might add, at least Chaos was understanding and forward with the thought of a Godless world as I quote from him with picture to add proof to: "The world belongs to the gods no longer. It is now, and forevermore, the realm of mortals." Profile info that shows his goal of attempting to see whether they desired a godless world or not: Since only in a godless world would a true Golden Age of Peace spring forth... )

    6. You think her unredeemable evil, I think her a broken dove, lost and lashing out at the world, that holds no love for her.

      Enter Luka, knight in shining... cloth. Whose willingness to forgive her misdeeds, and excellent cooking skills (which she has a taste of as a captive, tied and spoonfed) make her feel, that she might yet have a place in the world.

    7. Tell that to the era she laid waste to, only "desiring" everything to be hers in the end without batting an eyelid to her utter cruelity, no matter what... If that isn't pure greed then I don't know what is... At least Chaos had the decency to understand the values of all life even before being defeated, specifically growth from weakness at the very least, unlike most of the other Dark Gods/Goddesses of Agarest (Especially Mayastia, always clinging to the belief that the Strong should oppress/enslave/eradicate the Weak... >_> ) and Alipheese VIII, seriously... :/

  5. Im really looking forward to the next Demo. This mod really rocks and maybe i am a masochist and actually enjoy long waiting times. XP
    Anyway am i a fool for hoping that the vampire girl will be recruitable?
    She is my favorite by far, which doesn`t mean much i know, but just look at her.^^
    (Pun intended, it`s not a great one but i could simply not resist)
    And if thats not enough look at her transformation, she is simply gorgeous.

    1. I would agree as well, I really would. ^-^ But when you think about it, Vampire Girl would be better with staying in San Ilia because when those accursed Angels attack they'll need all the strength from defense they can get and while the Elemental Gems do fatigue their bodies after prolonged use, you know that it's worth it since in the final part in MGQ you can see that Dragon Girl, Lamia Girl and Vampire Girl's help proves very invaluable to the defense of San Ilia during the second Angel's attack wave so yeah, based on that you can see why Vampire Girl is a bit better off staying in San Ilia. That way when the time comes when they need to defend the town from the Angel's attack, they'll be able to do so with the Elemental Gems that Tamamo gave them to use in the most extreme of circumstances. :)

    2. Good point, but i think she could profit from traveling along with Luka.
      After all Luka knows how and when the Angels will attack, the vampire girl certainly would grow stronger while traveling as opposed to mesmerizing customers into buying quantities that defy all reason. XD
      Not to mention the camp scences that could await us if it were to happen. Of course your argument still stands strong, so yeah granted it could be wiser for her to stay in San Ilia. However because Luka already changes things left and right who can surely say things will play out as they did before? Her power might just be an important factor if things go south. I dont`t trust Ilias one bit, she is way to suspicious. Even if my hopes in that regard were to be shattered i shall hope that we at least get a romance option ala queen harpy.

    3. True enough, I too hope that the pivotal characters like Vampire Girl and such will be able to temper their abilities so that, when the first assault by Angels begins, it won't suffer as badly as it did last time, just that they should be there when the retaliation begins once Luka and the rest manage to replace the Spirit Seal with the Holy Energy Seal and deal with the Sealing device for Alice (which is ployed by Promestein at first to use it for the Monster Lord Alipheese XV but is revealed that it was actually meant for Ilias in secret, not that it dissuaded Ilias ultimate plan which, ironically, coincided with Promestein and Black Alice's real goal XD lol ) so yeah, i'm right there with ya since I REALLY don't want the rail-roaded Full Ending with Alice only, I wanted Granberia for the Full Ending damnit! :D Good thing MGQ NG+ will fix that so that any others that have a coupling in mind like LukaXChrome or LukaXGranberia (Do want... SO badly... <3 ) for a few examples will be able to do so in MGQ NG+. ^-^
