Monday, July 29, 2013


As of now, we are working on Requests, Achievments and Monsterpedia entries. Please ignore the lack of + at (NG), this is still in production, and we are too lazy to re-take the screenshot. As you have probably noticed, there is a mention of reputation system. That's right, we have a repuation system, we just kept quiet about it. It raises and lowers with characters in your party as you make decisions. We are not planning on making it visible in-game, because fuck you it's more fun that way
Also, help is still needed. If you can write, code or draw, and willing to help us - please contact us at irc://

1 comment:

  1. hey so i don't know where to submit bug reports, so i'll just put it here.
    my game continually crashes at the first time you see granberia and she uses serene demon sword.please help!
