MGQ NG+ update - Getting real tired of your whining edition.
It appears that some of our fanbase (you know who you are) failed to receive the message that not getting kicked out of college is a little bit more important than developing NG+ full time. I thought I made myself perfectly clear, but apparently not. So they decided that the best course of action would be endless comments demanding NG+ release. Honestly, we're flattered you enjoy NG+ so much, or maybe you just thought that would bolster our spirits; but this is really starting to get on our nerves, so please, cut that out. (If you didn't complain and whine, disregard this, and join us in admonishing the unpatient.)
One month. One more month, and development of NG+ should resume full speed. No, we don't give a damn when Paradox releases. We're not going to abandon NG+ if it releases earlier, and neither will we rush the mod just to make it come out before Paradox. We're commited in making such a mod, everyone will point at it and say: "That thing, right there. That is how it's done." We're going to do it,